Signs of an Underground Water Leak in Conyers, GA

by | Aug 22, 2022 | Plumbing

If you are a homeowner or business owner in the Conyers, GA, area, it is important to be aware of the signs of an underground water leak. Leaks can cause extensive damage to your property if they are not addressed quickly, so it is crucial to know what to look for. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common signs of an underground water leak in Conyers, GA.

Puddles of Water That Won’t Go Away

One of the most obvious signs that you have a water leak is the presence of puddles of water on your property. If you have puddles that don’t seem to go away, no matter how long it’s been since rain has fallen, it is possible that you have a water leak.

A Soggy Lawn or Garden

Another sign of an underground water leak in Conyers, GA, is a soggy lawn or garden. If you notice that your grass is always wet or that your plants are wilting, even when there hasn’t been any rain, this could be a sign of an underground water leak.

Low Water Pressure

If you have low water pressure, it could be a sign that there is a leak somewhere in your outside water line. Low water pressure can also be caused by a number of other factors, so it is important to rule out all other possible causes before assuming that you have a leak.

High Water Bills

One of the most common signs of an underground water leak in Conyers, GA, is a sudden increase in your water bill. If you notice that your water bills are much higher than they used to be, and you can’t think of any reason why, it is possible that you have an undetected water leak.